Smart New World | The Reference | Seoul, Korea
4 - 19 August 2018
Exhibited Works: Home Void | Present | Unsmart Phone Orchestra
Jaehee Jung’s Smart New World is an exhibition which suggests that we reflect on the smart world that we are facing. In the exhibition, he interprets the functions, services, or contents of some electronic products, defined as smart, in new ways and presents them as works of art. Smartness of electronic products originally meant that they were efficient and user-friendly. Now, the definition has extended to mean autonomy to analyze information and act on their own. The so-called revolution, born under the development of technology and public planning, is producing a variety of things described as smart. While utilizing these things, we may have been voluntarily participating in surveillance platforms or experiencing other connected worlds without being properly focused on what is happening right in front of us. As a result, Jaehee Jung critically examines the smartness and connectivity that maintain a smart new world, and recontextualizes them to ask for the value of what we are overlooking.